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Q: What are the elements that touch zigzag line on periodic table?
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What are most elements that touch the zigzag in the periodic table calssified as?


What are most of the elements that touch the zigzag line on the periodic table called?


What are the elements that border the zigzag line called?

I assume you're referring to the bold line that runs down the right side of the periodic table. If so, there isn't really a name for them. The line separates elements on the left side (which are metals) from elements on the right side (non-metals). The elements directly on the Hays-McDaniel Line are sometimes referred to as "metalloids".

Why did Mendeleev set up the periodic table the way he did?

Because he was creating a book called the Principle of Chemistry and he noticed the pattern in every elment. So he made a table or (chart) called Periodic Table of Elements.

What touch the staircase in the periodic table and have properties of both metals and non-metals?


How do I create a phrase using the periodic table?

Good slogans for the periodic table element calcium include "Calcium, ideal for healthy bones!" Another good choice is "Calcium, the 5th most abundant element in the Earth's crust!"

Does silicon have both metallic and non-matallic propeties?

yes it does because it is a metalloid and metalloids have both the properties of a metal and nonmetal. in fact, all the elements (except aluminum) that touch that bold satir case on the periodic table are metalliods

What are the elements that touch the zig zag line classified as in the periodic table?

Metaliods. They have the characteristics of metals but they are gases.

Are all nonmetals liquids or matter?

Everything that you touch is MATTER. You are matter. So solids, liquids and gases are matter. It follows that non-metals are matter. NB THere are only two liquid elements in the periodic table, they are bromine and mercury.

Why does f generally form covalent bonds with great polarity?

because it is the most electronegative element in the periodic table.

How do you feel touch taste a lot when its only 109 substances of the periodic table?

Those 109 substances join together to form millions of very different compounds.

What elements touch the zigzag line and act like metals and non metals?

The elemnts that act like metals and non-metals are termed metalloids. the elemnts tht touch the line are Boron, Aluminium, Silicon, Germanium Arsenic Antimony Tellurium Polonium and Astatine. Not all of these are metalloids, Aluminium is metallic and polonium is quite metallic.