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They are totally shattered and desperate.

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Q: What are the emotions of people after disasters?
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Why are people not prepared for natural disasters?

They don't have hands

Why are natural disasters studied?

to help people that want to know when and where natural disasters are going to start.

Do natural disasters cause injuries?

Yes. Natural disasters often injure and kill people.

Can emotions last forever?

Emotions can be long-lasting, but they are not meant to last forever. Emotions are dynamic and can change over time as we experience different situations and circumstances. It's important to acknowledge and address our emotions to work through them and move forward.

Is arousing emotions the same as expressing emotions?

No, arousing emotions refers to triggering or bringing about specific feelings in oneself or others, while expressing emotions involves conveying or showing those feelings outwardly to others. Arousal is internal, while expression is external.

Are all people born with emotions?

Yes, all people are born with the capacity for emotions. Emotions are fundamental to human experience and play a crucial role in both social interactions and decision-making. Each individual's emotional experience may vary based on genetic, environmental, and social factors.

What are the effects of natural disasters?

Natural disasters leave people homeless because their homes were damaged. Natural disasters can also affect wildlife because they are out in the weather.

What can natural disasters?

can kill the people from their consequences

What do people think of natural disasters?


How many people died in 2002 of natral disasters?

How many people died in natural disasters in 20th century? How many people died in secend word war?

What one of these statements about how people respond to disasters is false?

"Everyone responds to disasters in the same way" is a false statement.

Which cultures are targeted by natural disasters?

Natural disasters do not target a specific culture - they are not rascist. If it seems as if a certain people group is getting targeted by natural disasters, it is only because the place in which they live is prone to natural disasters.