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Q: What are the environmental conditions do the short tailed albatross face in its travels?
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When was Short-tailed Albatross created?

Short-tailed Albatross was created in 1769.

What is the short tailed albatross phylum?

The phylum is birds (Aves)

What are short tailed albatross measurements?

The Short-tailed Albatross is a medium sized bird with a wingspan of 215 to 230 cm. His/Her length is about 84 to 94 cms. He/she has a body weight that can be 4.3 to 8.5 kg.

Short-tailed Albatross defense mechanism?

it spreads its wings and gives out loud vocalizations.

What is the importance of the short tailed albatross?

Short-tailed albatross are an important food source for many indigenous people. Their feathers are collected for decoration and they are amazing fliers. They are known for their ability to fly for days without flapping their wings and often do not set food on land for many years.

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Is a ring tailed lemur a carnivore?

No, they are opportunistic omnivores. This means that they will eat insects and small vertebrates, but only when the opportunities present themselves and/or environmental conditions push them to do so. They primarily eat fruit and leaves.

What is the predators of the Albatross?

The short-tailed Albatross finds food on two islands: Torishima and Minami-kojima in the Senkaku Islands. They travel during non-breeding season across the North Pacific, with the males and juveniles in the Bering Sea and the females off Japan and eastern Russia's coast. They feed mainly on squid. They will also follow ships for their discarded offals. Offal is the culinary term for entrails and internal organs that does not include muscles or bones.

What is a generalized niche?

A generalized species have broad niches. They can live in many different places, eat a variety of foods, and often tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions. examples: flies, cockroaches, mice, rats, wite-tailed deer, raccoons, sharks, humans.

Which bird begin with the letter r?

· Rainbow Lorikeet · Raven · Red-billed Tropicbird · Red-necked Grebe · Red-tailed Hawk · Red-tailed Tropicbird · Red-throated Loon · Red-winged Tinamous · Rhea · Roadrunner · Robin · Rockhopper Penguin · Rooster · Royal Albatross · Royal Penguin

Why is the short tailed albatross threatened?

Because of longline fishing and volcanic eruptions on Torishima. It also has a small breeding ground and limited diet so its very vulnerable. It was brought close to extintion by feather trade.

What are some animals that have two words and the first letter starts with r?

Royal Albatross is a bird. Rainbow Trout is a fish. Red-tailed Hawk is a bird. Red Snapper is a fish. Royal Python is a snake.