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Tendons all have the same function - they attach muscles to bone. These tendons are classified as flexors or extensors, and they flex or extend a joint, respectively. There are many tendons in the equine anatomy, and it is beyond this site to list them all. Begin by checking the Wikipedia post on the musculature of the horse by using the link provided. You'll find the skeletal muscles listed, and there will be tendons attached to each of them. By the way, only the cardiac and smooth muscles lack attachments to tendons. The skeletal muscles are all attached to bone via a tendon at each end. There are other links on the Wikipedia post, and you can follow them after reviewing the article. Unfortunately there are no drawings or diagrams on this Wikipedia page yet, but other sites have such aids. Other links are posted for you to surf. If you find more and/or better information, perhaps you could edit this post, or at least add links to other sites with "improved" pictures, drawings or written material.

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Q: What are the equine tendons and the functions of them?
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