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An evaporite is a sedimentary rock that is soluble in water. It occurs where there is a lake that evaporates more quickly than rain or river water enters the lake. The water evaporates and the rich mineral sediment becomes a rock or a crystal.

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Q: What are the events in the formation of an evaporite?
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Describe the sequence of events in the formation of an evaporite?

This forms in bodies of water in which water evaporates faster than it is receiving rain. (This process is called precipitation) This causes the minerals in the water to be left behind, in which they become a rock. (An evaporite) examples of an evaporite is Gypsum.

What are some evaporite minerals?

Halite and gypsum are two examples of evaporite minerals.

What are three common evaporite minerals?

Evaporite minerals are water-soluble mineral sediments that were formed from precipitation. The three common evaporite minerals are gypsum, anhydrite and halite.

Give an example of an evaporite rock?

Rock gypsum and rock salt are two examples of sedimentary evaporite rocks.

What is a diapir structure formed by evaporite minerals?

Evaporite minerals are minerals found in sedimentary rocks that are formed as precipitates from the evaporation of a saline solution. A diapir structure formed by evaporite minerals is a salt dome.

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What potential natural events could alter sedimentary rock formation?

Which is the correct order in this secuence of events Big Ban Formation of galaxies formation of sun formation of earth?

In the order it is written.

Name a rock that is an evaporite?

Rock Salt

Which of the following is a correct sequence of events from oldest to most recent?

Big Bang, formation of galaxies, formation of sun, formation of earth.

Is halite a organic rock?

It is not a rock but an evaporite mineral.

What evaporite deposit used to make dry wall?


What events will most likely occurs in rising air?

cloud formation.