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Water Lily and Lotus are some I know

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Q: What are the examples of partially submerged plants?
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What is the method of memorizing which plants are floating or partially submerged or totally submerged?

Yes,just open book read it 50 times you will remember all.

Is duckweed partially submerge or fully submerged?

No, it is a floating plant, i know you might argue that the roots are underwater while the leaves are above but actually that counts as a floating plant, or else water hyacinth and water lettuce are half-submerged too. Floating plants is a plant that has it's leaves above water and it's roots dangling in water, partially submerged is leaves above water but roots in the soil below water, completely submerged is the roots in the soil below and the leaves also below water surface. -LJTG

What kind of partially submerged plants are there?

these are some of the examples: 1.water Lily 2.water shamrock 3.lotus 4.cattail 5.Water Pennywort 6.Alligator Weed 7.Buttonbush

Is a cattail a fully submerged plant?

No. It is a partially submerged plant.

Does duckweed float or partially submerged or completely submerged?

Duckweed does float

Is Cabomba partially-submerged?


Is water moss a partially submerged plant?


Why do plants have waxy coating on their leaves?

so that the leaves wouldnt be all soaked up with the water, and sink as they have short stems (their pretty small as well compared to partially submerged plants) they will eventually die due to insufficient amount of food (taller plants block the sunlight) and also will have too much water. they will die also due to overcrowding, this also occurs on land plants because the parent plant will get more sunlight and the young plants have to compete with them. in the water, too much floating or partially submerged plants will start to block eachother from the sunlight, depending on which grows more. they also completely block sunlight from the submerged plants down there.

Why do floating plants have waxy coating on their leaves?

so that the leaves wouldnt be all soaked up with the water, and sink as they have short stems (their pretty small as well compared to partially submerged plants) they will eventually die due to insufficient amount of food (taller plants block the sunlight) and also will have too much water. they will die also due to overcrowding, this also occurs on land plants because the parent plant will get more sunlight and the young plants have to compete with them. in the water, too much floating or partially submerged plants will start to block eachother from the sunlight, depending on which grows more. they also completely block sunlight from the submerged plants down there.

What is the difference between being immersed and being submerged?

Being immersed is completely or partially submerged in water. Being submerged is putting something completely underwater.

What is the difference between submerged body and immersed body?

Immersed means partially in water and submerged means completely covered.