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Examples of word predication include verbs like "is", "was", "will be", "seems", and "appears", as they are used to link the subject of a sentence to a complement that provides information or describes the subject.

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Q: What are the examples of word predication?
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What is an example of predication?

Predication is the act of proclaiming or preaching, like a sermon at a church or a speech at a political rally. It can also refer to the expression of a state, action, or quality, like in the predicate of a sentence. In the sentence "Julie ran across the street," the word "ran" is the predicate of the sentence, and expresses the action of running, as well as the state of being on the run.

How can you find a transitive verb of incomplete predication?

You can find a transitive verb of incomplete predication, when you do not have the Direct Object. I mean, when the DO is hidden. For ex: "He wrote me". You can ask: What did he write? And you can answer: a letter, an email, etc... He: Subject wrote me: Predicate wrote: Main Verb / Transitive Verb of Incomplete Predication me: Indirect Object In this sentence you do not have the DO (a letter, an email, etc)... so the pattern verb is TVIP.

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faulty predication occurs when the subject of a sentence can't "do" the verb. Here is an example: The temperature of water boils at 212 degrees. Water boild at 212 but the temperature can't boil.


Are defined as STRUCTURES OF PREDICATION because we have a subject and a predicate. Are divided into two: MAIN CLAUSE and SUBORDINATE CLAUSE.

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A testable prediction is a statement that is either proven true or proven false in a scientific experiment. It is also known as a hypothesis.

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