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There are many things that influence learning. Ability is one basic thing. Is a person able to learn? If the answer is "yes" then other factors come into the being. Motivation is a key factor. The old saying "you can take a horse to water, but not make him drink." comes in here. If a person doesn't want to learn they won't. I once had a student to come to class with a t shirt that said "You can make me come to school, but not make me learn." That said it all. Parents attitude to learning makes a difference. If the parents are not interested in the child's learning, then the child usually doesn't show he/she is. If learning is an important thing in the home, then it is important to the child. Eating a good breakfast each day makes a difference in how a child learns. Many children come to school without eating and the engine won't run without fuel. Good night's sleep also makes a difference. Many children stay up too late and come to school tired. I really think the computer games affects learning and too much TV. So, the basics are 1. ability 2. diet 3. sleep 4. attitude 5. motivation

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Factors influencing learning include individual characteristics (such as prior knowledge and motivation), instructional methods used (such as feedback and engagement), the learning environment (such as resources and support available), and external influences (such as culture and socio-economic factors). Each of these factors can impact how effectively a person learns and retains information.

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