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The factors which affect Death Rate are quality of living; such as, sanitation, dirty water, etc. Other factors are diseases, famine, and where you are born. e.g. if you were born in an LEDC you will have a lower life expectancy than those living in MEDC's due to their good resources, technology and facilities.

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Factors that can affect death rate include access to healthcare, quality of healthcare, prevalence of diseases, lifestyle choices (such as diet and exercise), socioeconomic status, environmental factors, and public health measures (such as vaccination programs).

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Q: What are the factors that affect death rate?
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4 factors that affect the growth rate of a population?

Birth rate: The number of individuals being born into the population. Death rate: The number of individuals dying in the population. Immigration: The movement of individuals into the population. Emigration: The movement of individuals out of the population.

How do you compute the natural growth rate of a country?

The natural growth rate of a country is typically calculated by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate. This calculation gives an indication of the rate at which the population is growing or declining without considering factors like migration. The formula is: Natural Growth Rate = Birth Rate - Death Rate.

What factors influence the birth rate and death rate of humans?

Factors influencing birth rate include access to healthcare, education, cultural norms, and economic conditions. Factors influencing death rate include healthcare access, sanitation, nutrition, lifestyle factors, and disease prevalence. Socioeconomic status, government policies, and public health infrastructure also play a significant role in both birth and death rates.

Two Factors that may have caused the death rate to decline in some Caribbean countries?

Two factors that may have caused the death rate to decline in some Caribbean countries are improved healthcare infrastructure and access to better medical treatment. Additionally, public health initiatives focusing on disease prevention and health education could also have contributed to the decline in death rates.

How does life expectancy affect death rate?

Life expectancy and death rate are inversely related. A higher life expectancy generally corresponds to a lower death rate, as people are living longer and surviving into older age. Conversely, a lower life expectancy indicates a higher death rate, with people likely dying earlier in life.

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What are the factors affecting death rate?

The factors which affect Death Rate are quality of living; such as, sanitation, dirty water, etc. Other factors are diseases, famine, and where you are born. e.g. if you were born in an LEDC you will have a lower life expectancy than those living in MEDC's due to their good resources, technology and facilities.

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