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Q: What are the factors that determine the type of farm machinery that a farmer acquires?
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Where can one purchase used farm machinery?

There are several websites that one can purchase used farm machinery. These websites include Fastline, US Farmer, Farm Machinery Sales, eBay, and AG Web.

What are three resources which a modern farmer is likely to use on his farm?

Machinery,tools,fertilisers and irrigation systems.

How close to my residence can a farmer keep livestock and machinery?

Absent any local municipal codes against it, as close to your residence as his property is.

What are some factors that are pushing farmer off the land and into the cities?

Here are some of the push factors: less profit no electricity

What are three factors in CA a good spot for agriculture?

To reduce tirednes of a farmer.

Describe the ways in which environmental factors influenced the rise of the Grange and the Farmer's Alliance movements?


How much money does a farmer earn in a year?

The amount of money a farmer earns in a year depends on several factors: the size of the farm, what the farmer is raising, how well the crops do (if he is raising crops), etc. A farmer could actually lose money in some years if he is growing crops and they don't do well.

What helped Washington be so successful as a farmer?

George Washington's success as a farmer can be attributed to several key factors. First, he implemented innovative farming techniques and embraced new machinery and technology. Second, he focused on diversifying his crops and utilizing crop rotation to maintain soil fertility. Lastly, he had a strong work ethic and was known for his attention to detail, discipline, and ability to make strategic decisions.

Which group of workers was most negatively by the increasing use of machines?

Skilled workers

What was the Aztec Empire's system of agriculture?

A farmer watches the sun's patterns to determine the best time to plant his crops.

How much will a farmer spend to start a farm?

That all depends on the size of the farm, what that farmer is wanting to raise, and whether the farm that they have bought has the facilities needed to start up or need improvements. It also depends on what equipment, machinery and buildings need to be bought and built, respectively, among many other things. Start-up costs for every individual farmer is different from another. For instance, the start-up costs for a dairy farmer is much higher than for a sheep or beef-cattle farmer, and even a farmer that is only going to be growing crops.

What all weapons do a farmer uses to make his crops?

None. Farmers don't use weapons to make their crops. They use farm machinery like tractors, plows, seeder, sprayer, etc.