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Q: What are the factors that influence the impact of disaster?
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Constraining influence refers to a limiting or restrictive impact that inhibits one's choices, actions, or decisions. It can come from external factors such as rules, regulations, or social norms, as well as internal factors like personal beliefs or fears.

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Factors that influence language planning include sociopolitical considerations, such as government policies and national identity; demographic factors, like population size and distribution of linguistic groups; economic considerations, including language's impact on trade and business; and cultural factors, such as the preservation of heritage languages and promotion of linguistic diversity.

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Factors that can influence reading rates include individual reading ability, reading environment, level of interest in the material being read, distractions, and reading goals. Additionally, the complexity and difficulty of the text can also impact reading rates.

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Contemporary influence refers to the impact or effect that current cultural, social, economic, or technological factors have on individuals, societies, or organizations. It can shape behaviors, choices, and beliefs in the present day.

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