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Q: What are the features of chocoate?
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What is the un heathiest chocoate?

milk chocolate

Is there a place you can eat chocoate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week?

Heaven ;)

If 160 chocoate chips weight 5 and one fourth ounce. how many chocolate chips are in an ounce?


When did chocolate first get made?

Chocoate first got made in 1671 um... can u say anyfin else bout it

Difference between plain and dark chocolate?

its the same thing cause, you can get plain chocoate and dark chocolate with the same percentages of cocoa

How do you not become a werewolf after drinking hot chocolate?

If you do not want to become a werewolf after eating hot chocoate you need to eat a bowl full of vegetables if your mom is making you have hot chocoate you need to drink it but rember what I told you the cure so it is don't become the were or do so remember to eat the bowl full of veggies so you can become a werewolf.

Can guinea pigs eat chocoate?

No! Really no pets can eat chocolate. They could get sick or even die. I know it's so joyful! :\

What did the ms snerd say when her son ate 17 chocoate- chips waffles with 2 pints of maple syrup?

How waffle (awful)

How do you make chocoate frosting eggless?

Very few chocolate frosting recipes contain eggs. The simplest would include powdered sugar, butter, melted chocolate and enough liquid to make the mixture spreadable.

How do you make an eggless chocoate icing?

i just use icing sugar, about a tablespoon of cocoa depending on how much icing sugar you use, a small amount of butter about a teaspoon and boiling water. just add more water or sugar to make it the thickness you want.

The scientific name for chocoate lab?

The scientific name for a Chocolate Labrador Retriever is "Canis lupus familiaris."

What are physical and natural features?

physical features are features in which you can observe by your eyes.