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Q: What are the first 2 stages of communism?
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What philosopher described socialism as a transitional stage between capitalism and communism?

Marx did not see Socialism as a transitional stage to Communism. In one text he distinguished two stages of Communism, but he did not label the first stage as Socialism.

What are the 5 stages of society?

Primitive Communism --> Slavery --> Feudalism --> Capitalism --> Socialism

Where did communism start?

Communism was first developed in Russia

What are Karl max stages of development?

Karl Marx outlined five stages of development in his theory of historical materialism: primitive communism, slave society, feudalism, capitalism, and finally socialism/communism. He believed that each stage represented a progression in the economic system, leading ultimately to the establishment of a classless society in socialism/communism.

What was the first name for communism?

The word ‘Communism’ was a french word. Which is ‘Communist’

Why did many chinese find communism appealing in its early stages-?

My answer would be "None of the above". The Chinese were attracted to the Communists at first because the alternatives were collaborating.

Marx 4 stages of economic life?

The answer is Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism. You're welcome.

Was communism or socialism first?

It was from Socialism that Communism was born.

The first Caribbean country to move to communism was?

Cuba was the first Caribbean country to move to communism.

Which country first established communism?

The 1917 October Revolution in Russia was the first time that Communism came into power.

Which revolution first brought communism into the international order?

The Chinese Revolution first brought communism into the international order.

What was the first cuple of years with communism like what was different now that they had communism?
