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Mercury , venus , our earth and mars

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Q: What are the first four inner planets mostly made of?
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What are the inner panets?

The four inner planets, in order of closest to furthest from the Sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These are the four terrestrial planets, composed of mostly rock instead of mostly gas.

What is the difference between the first four planets and the last four planets?

The four inner planets are smaller than the four outer planets. The inner planets are made up mostly of iron and various types of rock. The outer planets are mostly hydrogen, helium, and ice. The inner planets each completely rotate in less than an earth day. The inner planets all rotate faster than the outer planets.

What kind of planets are the first four inner?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the first four inner planets. The asteroid belt is what separates the inner and outer planets from each other. There are thousands of asteroids in the asteroid belt.

Are the first four inner planets gas giants?


Compare the atmospheres of the four inner planets?

compare the atmospheres of the four inner planets

How are inner planets and gas giants similar?

they orbit the sun and are the first four outer planets

All the solid planets?

The four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are the solid planets of the solare system, comprised mostly of iron and rock.

Which inner planets have rings?

None of the four inner planets have inner rings, while each of the four outer gas planets have a ring system.

Which planets are rocky planets which planets are mostly of gas?

The four inner, rocky planets are also known as the terrestrial planets. These are; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The four outer gas giant planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Do any inner planets have rings?

No. None of the inner four planets have rings.

What four inner planets are larger than the outer planets?

The inner planets are smaller than the outer planets.

Which planets are the rocky planets?

These are also known as the four inner planets or terrestrial planets. These are mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.