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The first seven words of the preamble to the United States Constitution are, "We the people of the United States."

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Q: What are the first seven words of the preamble to the constituion?
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What were the first seven words of the preamble in the constitution?

"WE THE PEOPLE of the United States . . ."

What are the first three words of the preamble of the US?

We the people.

What are the seven words of the preamble to the to the constitution?

we the people of the united stateswe the people of the united states

What was the importance of the phrase we the people of the US?

Their the first words in the preamble.

What is located at the beginning of the costitution?

At the begining of the Constitution is the Preamble, and in the Preamble the first three words are WE THE PEOPLE. I hope that answers your question.

What are the first five words of the US Constitution?

Of the preamble, it's "We the people of the."

What is the first part of the US Constitution which begins with the words 'we the people'?


How many words are in the preamble?

There are 52 words in the preamble of the United States Constitution.

What is the definition for preamble?

The word preamble means introduction. Words that are synonyms for preamble are prelude and preface. The word preamble is a noun.

What country has the longest preamble?

The Philippines has a preamble that consists 75 words which makes it the longest preamble in the world.

What are the first three words of the Preamble to the US Constituion?

We the people of the United Stes of America in order to form a more perfect union established justice and insure demestice tranquility provide for the common defend promote the general warefare end sucure the blessigns of librety to ourselfs and our posteritys do or dane and establish this constitution for the United States of America

What part of the Constitution is only 52 words long?

The preamble