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Ischemia refers to "a state of decreased blood flow to an organ or tissue, causing problems-but not permanent damage-if corrected."

Ischemic chest pain signs and symptoms include;

Pain described as crushing, pressing, tight, heavy, aching, or constricting.

Pain in the front of the chest that goes to the neck, jaw, either arm or shoulder.

Shortness of breath


Altered mental status








Loss of consciousness

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A stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident), is a term describing an injury or the death of brain tissue due to the interruption of the cerebral blood flow. This may be caused either by a clot (ischemic CVA) or by a hemorrhage (hemorrhagic CVA) in the brain.

The exact symptoms are based on the location of the damage which determines the bodily functions impaired.

A person who's speech begins to slur, paralysis of one side of the body, loss of facial muscle control over one side of the face, has unequal pupils is suspect to be suffering a stroke (CVA).

Additional signs: rising blood pressure, skin may be cool and clammy.

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10y ago

The classic symptoms of myocardial infarction (MI), also called a heart attack, are:

* chest pain or pressure (usually in the center of the chest) that may radiate to the neck, jaw or one or both arms/shoulders. This may occur with exertion or at rest

* shortness of breath * diaphoresis, or generalized sweating * nausea and vomiting * palpitations * weakness * anxiety, or a sense of impending doom or death * lightheadedness or loss of consciousness Unfortunately, there is a moderately high percentage of patients whose initial presentation of MI is sudden death. There are also groups of people who do not always have the "classic" symptoms of MI. This group includes the elderly, women, those with Diabetes, and many minorities. In fact, about the only group that presents with classic symptoms are young, otherwise healthy white men... how's that for counter-intuitive?

Findings that make a physician suspicious of MI, include a compelling history in a patient with appropriate risk factors. These include age (typically over 50), hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, history of diabetes, smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and family history of MI - particularly if the MI occurred early (< 55 in males, < 60 in females). Specific physical exam findings are usually absent, but may include moist skin from diaphoresis, pallor, anxiety, rapid breathing, sounds of fluid in the lungs, altered heart sounds and rapid or slow heart rate. EKG findings may show changes indicative of MI, and lab tests will show evidence of myocardial damage.
Severe chest pain which is not relieved by sub-lingual isosrbide mononitrate. Fear of death and severe perspiration are the symptoms of myocardial infarction.

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14y ago

TIA's are basically a mini or warning stroke. They tend to last less then 24 hours. Symptoms vary widely from person to person, depending on the area of the brain involved. The most frequent symptoms include temporary loss of vision, difficulty speaking, weakness on one side of the body, and numbness or tingling, usually on one side of the body.

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the side of the face may droop. the person can't lift one arm up all the way. the person has slurred speech.

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10y ago

The the early stages of ischemic Heart disease, there are no symptoms that are easily identified. Some of the first signs that would need an ambulance would include chest pain and nausea.

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What are some symptoms of a myocardial infarction?

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The abbreviation for myocardial infarction is M.I.

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Myocardial infarction is often signified using the initials MI.

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MI (myocardial infarction) Acute Myocardial Infarction, or AMI.

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Hello I'm working on isoproterenol induced myocardial infarction so that i think 100mg/kg is better dose for induction of myocardial infarction. good luck Hamid Soraya

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