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People visit New York for many different reasons, so in a way this question/answer is a little misleading; however, I will provide five very popular sites of visitation.

The Statue of Liberty: The statue of Liberty is a national monument and was received as a gift from the French to the United States. To many people, this statue is a symbol of freedom the United States provides.

911 Memorial: This is increasingly becoming one of the most popular sites to visit as this memorial represents one of the most horrific events in US history

Grant's Tomb: Ulysses Simpson Grant was the 18th president of the US. He is looked upon by many as a Civil War leader and some believe he is the reason why the Confederates won the Civil War.

Grand Army Plaza: This monument is comprised of the Arch and many staues along with a fountain. Two of the staues are of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant

Washington Square Arch: This monument was built to honor President George Washington. Statues of the president in his military and civilain attire are located here.

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