

Verified answer

- The Ramayana Mahabharata

- The Vedas

- The Bhagavad Gita

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11y ago
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Kriss Aguilar

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2y ago
Correct :)
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Rashad Esty

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2y ago
ay bro thanks bro um thanks
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1mo ago

The major religious texts of Hinduism are the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, and Mahabharata. These texts contain foundational teachings, stories, and philosophical insights that shape Hindu beliefs and practices.

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12y ago

they describe Aryan religious rituals in India.

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14y ago

Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Budhism.

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The Rigveda was one of the four sacred texts of what religion?

The Rigveda is one of the four sacred texts of Hinduism. It is one of the oldest texts in the world and forms the foundation of Hindu philosophy, rituals, and practices.

What are the three religious holy books?

The three religious holy books are the Bible (Christianity), the Quran (Islam), and the Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism). Each of these texts is considered sacred and serves as a central source of guidance and teachings for its respective faith.

Which religion believes in a caste system and has writings called Vedas?

Hinduism is the religion that believes in a caste system and has sacred texts known as the Vedas. The caste system in Hinduism divides society into different social groups based on occupation and social status. The Vedas are among the oldest scriptures of Hinduism and are considered authoritative foundational texts.

What is the subject of the rig-veda?

The Rigveda is a collection of ancient Indian hymns dedicated to various deities in the Vedic period. It is one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism and provides insights into the religious beliefs and practices of that time.

What is the connection between the Vedas and the development of Hinduism?

The Vedas are ancient texts that form the foundation of Hinduism. They contain hymns, rituals, and philosophical teachings that have shaped the religious and cultural practices of Hinduism. The ideas and concepts found in the Vedas have influenced the development of Hindu beliefs, practices, and traditions over thousands of years.

Related questions

What are major religious texts of Hinduism?

The Vedas, Upanishads, Manusmriti, Srimad Bhagvatam, Bhagwad Geeta, Ramayana.

Name the religious texts for Hinduism?

Upanishads and Vedas

Which religion uses follows The Vedas text?

Hinduism follows the Vedas texts, which are ancient scriptures considered the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. These texts are composed in Sanskrit and contain hymns, rituals, and philosophical teachings that guide the religious practices of Hindus.

What are the upanishades?

The collection of Vedict texts is called Upanishads. It includes the early central and religious concepts of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

What is the difference between Vedas and sanskrit?

Vedas are ancient religious texts in Hinduism, while Sanskrit is the language in which the Vedas were originally composed. Sanskrit is an ancient Indo-European language and is considered sacred in Hinduism, often used for religious and philosophical texts like the Vedas.

What is Hindu religious texts?

Hinduism has 4 Vedas & Bhagwat Geeta . Apart from that two epics Mahabharata & Ramayan.

Was the Vedas a collection of the Aryan religious writings?

Yes, the Vedas are a collection of ancient sacred texts that are among the oldest religious scriptures in existence. They are considered foundational texts in Hinduism and were composed by the ancient Indo-Aryans.

What holy or religious texts were included in the religion of hiduism?

Rig,Yajur,Sama and Adharvana are the four Holy books of Hinduism.

Was sacred texts share by the Hinduism and Buddhism?

None. Hinduism and Buddhism share no sacred texts.

Which was an aryan religious text?

The earliest known book or texts are the Vedas.

How many books are there in Hinduism?

There is no fixed number of books in Hinduism as it is a vast and diverse religion with a long history. The sacred scriptures of Hinduism include the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, and Mahabharata, among others. These texts, along with numerous regional and philosophical texts, contribute to the rich literary tradition of Hinduism.

What sacred texts from Brahmanism influenced Hinduism?

Texts such as vedas and Ramayan Mahabharata . Also texts like Purana and Upnishadam also influenced Hinduism.