

What are the food of animals that live in the sea?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Animals that lives in the sea feeds on phytoplankton, other fishes or other marine animals.

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Q: What are the food of animals that live in the sea?
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What do animals have to eat to survive in antarctica?

Since there is no food chain in Antarctica, it's too cold, there are no animals that live there. Sea animals eat other sea animals in the shortest food chain on earth.

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Most sea floor animals eat decaying food particles. This can be leftovers from what other sea animals that live higher up have eaten.

Sea animals?

Sea animals live anywhere in the SEA.

Where do animals in Antarctica mainly live?

No animals 'live' on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain. Some sea birds and sea mammals come to Antarctica's beaches, however, to breed.

Animals live in sea?

yes they do live in the sea

What are some common animals that live in Antarctica?

No animals live on Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain. However, sea mammals and sea birds breed on Antarctica's beaches. These include seals and penguins.

How else are sea animals and land animals different?

wekk sea animals live in the water and land animals live on land :)

Why animal live in Antarctica?

No animal lives in Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain. Some animals -- sea birds and sea mammals, breed on Antarctica's coast, and their food chain is in the oceans where they 'live'.

What are three animals that live in Antarctica with there diet?

No animals live on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain. Sea mammals and sea birds do come to Antarctica's beaches to breed, however, and their diets are supported by the sea creatures in the Southern Ocean.

How are sea animals affected by people?

Sea animals are affected by people because they live in the sea and people throw pieces of trash in the Sea. Sea animals sometimes think the bits of pieces of trash are food and eat it then become affected.

What animals could you find only in Antarctica?

There are no animals that live on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain. However, several sea birds and sea mammals come to Antarctica's beaches to breed. You can also find these animals at sea.