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Q: What are the forms of literary arts?
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What are the major classifications of art and description?

The major classifications of art include visual arts (painting, sculpture, drawing), performing arts (dance, theater, music), literary arts (poetry, novels, short stories), and multimedia arts (film, photography, digital art). Each classification encompasses various forms and styles that convey creative expression and communicate ideas or emotions to an audience.

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Four forms of arts?

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Which of these best describes a characteristic of Imagist poetry?

Modernism was interested in creating new literary forms.

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Boxing and karate are conisdered striking arts as opposed to the grappling arts.

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modern arts forms,styles and technique

What is the differentiate of art and arts?

The arts are a vast subdivision of culture, composed of many creative endeavors and disciplines. It is a broader term than "art," which as a description of a field usually means only the visual arts. The arts encompasses visual arts, literary arts and the performing arts, among others. This list is by no means comprehensive.

What two literary forms is William Shakespeare known for?

Plays and poetry.

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The flourishing of prose forms such as the novel, short story, essay, and literary drama

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No there are many forms of martial arts with the two most popular being Mixed Martial Arts, and Karate. Kung Fu and other forms of fighting are instructed for various programs including six sigma.

If you are introducing someone to ballet or a symphony concert you are introducing them to what?

ballet and symphony concerts are all forms of arts (or fine arts)

Why did modernist start using compression?

They wanted to create new literary forms.