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1. the animals are stupid duhhlol

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Q: What are the four basic ideas of Darwin's Theory of Evolution through natural selection?
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Related questions

What process did Darwins book suggest that organisms evolve through?

natural selection

How do adaptations arise in a species?

Through natural selection and evolution

What introduced the concept of biological evolution through natural selection?

Charles Darwin

Introduced the concept of biological evolution through natural selection.?

Charles Darwin

Which scientist is known for the theory of evolution through natural selection?

Charles Darwin is known for his work on the theory of evolution.

What principle states that living things change gradually over time through natural selection?

The theory of evolution by natural selection.

How do animals adapt and change?

Animals change and adapt through evolution by natural selection.

What did darwin call the process by which evolution takes place?

The book, On The Origin Of Species, " suggested " that organisms evolve through the process of natural selection. The nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms

Who founded the modern theory of evolution?

There are several different theories of evolution. The most successful is by Charles Darwin through natural selection.

How did Charles Darwin discovered evolution?

Charles Darwin expanded a common theory of evolution by noting the course of natural selection. He was able to study the categorization of plants and animals species and the beginning of genetics.

Which scientist contributed to evolutionary theory through the study of natural selection?

Charles Darwin contributed to the evolutionary theory through study of natural selection.

Generally evolution by natural selection occurs quite slowly over?

Evolution through natural selection occurs slowly over millions of years. It has been hypothesized that evolution is the result of positive mutations that occur in a community of organisms that help them survive better. Evolution is essentially descent with modification.