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Dirt, water, air, land

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Q: What are the four categories of energy consumer?
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What are the four categories of which none can make their own energy rich compounds?


Name Four major categories of primary energy use?

industrial, transportation, residential and commercial.

What four categories of economic activity are used to measure GDP?

1.Consumer Sector 2.Investment Sector 3.Government Sector 4.Net Export

The four main stages of a food chain is what?

The four main stages of a food chain are: Producer, consumer, secondary consumer and tertiary consumer. The producer is a plant, which receives energy from the sun and converts it into glucose through the process of photosynthesis. (carbon dioxide + water = glucose + oxygen. The consumer is normally a herbivore - it eats the plant and gets some of the energy from the producer (some is lost through processes like respiration). The secondary and tertiary consumers are carnivores, and energy continues to be lost as the food chain continues. This loss of energy can be represented as a pyramid of biomass.

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How much energy in a primary consumer?

It gets 10% of energy from the secondary consumer.

Is a bladderwort a consumer or a producer?

well i don't know what a bladerwort is but if it is a plant it is a producer. if it's an animal it's a consumer. and looking from the categories(wild animals) then it is a consumer.

When a secondary consumer eats a primary consumer how much energy gets transferred?

the secondary consumer gets 10% of the energy from consuming primary consumer.

Which categories has the lowest percent of total consumer purchases?

durable goods

The 3 categories of consumer credit are?

Service, Cash, and Sales Credit.

What are the four categories that are included in the GDP?

The four broad categories are consumption, investment, government purchases, and net exports.