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All the elements with the atomic number under 92 has atomic weights smaller than uranium.

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Why are elements with atomic numbers higher than 92 referred to as transuranium elements?

the atomic number of uranium is 92. the elements after that is thus called trans-uranium (meaning after uranium)

What makes uranium lighter than other elements?

Uranium is not lighter but heavier than many of the other elements; the density of uranium is 19,05 g/cm3 and the atomic weight is 238,02891.

What are transuranics?

transuranic elements are all elements with atomic numbers greater than 92, uranium is 92 so transuranic is past uranium

What is trans-uranium?

Transuranic elements are the elements with an atomic number greater than 92.

Chemical elements with atomic numbers greater than that of uranium are called?

Transuranic elements

What elements are more valuable than gold?

Diamond and Uranium

Why did Marie Curie discover polonium and radium?

Studying residues of uranium ores, Marie Curie and Pierre Curie found that these residues are more radioactive than uranium; they attributed this radioactivity to unknown elements. They isolated these elements and named these elements polonium and radium.

How did Pierre and Marie Curie discovered the presence of radioactive elements other than uranium?

Polonium and radium are discovered in wastes from uranium minerals, after uranium separation. The important radioactivity of these residues (without uranium) warned the two about the possible existence of other radioactive elements.

What is a trans-uranium?

Transuranic elements are the chemical elements with an atomic number greater than 92.

What elements did Marie Curie discovered?

She discovered the elements Polonium, which was named after her homeland, and radium. Polonium is 4x more radioactive than uranium and radium is 10x more radioactive than uranium.

How are elements with atomic masses greater than uranium made?

Elements that have greater atomic masses then uranium are created using nuclear fission.

How an elements is classified as transuranium elements?

Elements having more than 92 protons, the atomic number of uranium, are called transuranium elements.