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You can't have four hemispheres on one sphere unless they overlap.

The usual divisions are into the Northern and Southern hemispheres (divided, sensibly enough, by the equator) or the Eastern and Western hemispheres (divided by the great circle which contains the Prime Meridian).

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Q: What are the four hemispheres and what important lines of latitude and longitude separates them?
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What is the Network of parallels and meridians on the globe is called?

You mean latitude and longitude?

What two lines are baselines for measurements on Earth?

The Equator (zero latitude) that separates the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres, and the Prime Meridian (zero longitude) that separates the Western and the Eastern Hemispheres.

What line of longitude sepersates the earth into the northern and southern hemisphere?

the equator is a line of latitude that separates the earth into north and south hemispheres

What divides the earth into hemispheres?

longitude and latitude

Does the equator divide Earth into northern and southern hemispheres?

Zero LATITUDE separates the northern and southern hemispheres. Latitude lines circle the globe 'horizontally' and longitude lines all connect at the north and south poles, running vertically. Longitude lines would divide the eastern and western hemispheres. ==Note...== Zero latitude is commonly referred to as the Equator.yes.........Yes, it does. That particular line of latitude is called the Equator.

How may hemispheres be divided?

by the longitude and latitude lines

Are hemispheres fifteen degrees wide?

-- The northern and southern hemispheres each have 90 degrees of latitude and 360 degrees of longitude. -- The eastern and western hemispheres each have 180 degrees of latitude and 180 degrees of longitude.

What is located at 0 degrees latitude and divides the earth into hemispheres?

Zero degrees latitude is the Equator, which separates the Earth into north and south hemispheres.

What is a zero degrees latitude and separates the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres?

It is the Equator (zero latitude) that divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres.

What parallel of latitude separates the northern and southern hemispheres?

hoizontal line

How are the lines of latitude and longitude related to the hemispheres?

They r both imaginary lines

What are two lines used to break your earth up into hemispheres?

latitude and longitude