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Q: What are the four major turning points in world history in the correct order?
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What are two major turning points in world history?

ww2 , ww1, neolithic revolution ,and industrial revolution....... these turning points changed history drastically

What event is the turning point on history timeline?

There could be considered several major turning points in histories' timeline including World War I and II.

What were the major turning points in world history?

Germany invading Russia after signing a treaty with them.and D-Day

What was the major turning point in the history of the united states?

There were many turning points in the history of the United States including the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the ratification of the Constitution, the passing of the Civil Rights Act, and the Treaty of Versailles.

English defeat of Spanish Armada one of major turning points in history?

if it didnt hapen we would be somewhere else or not even alive

What were the major turning points in the US-Japanese conflict in World War 2?

The major turning point in the War in the Pacific was the Battle of Midway.

What is the major turning point in Greek history?

Persian wars.

What were the major turning points of Hitler's invasion of Russia?

There was one major turning point. The Russian Winter. Trust me, that was the beginning of the end of Hitler's Eastern Front.

What were the major turning points for Christianity in Europe?

physical resurrection of jesus from the dead

Where there any major battles or turning points?

Hi girl how are u doing

When breaking history into periods historians use turning points to what?

Identify events that marked major social, political, and economic shifts

Many historians see what two events as major turning points in World?

Stalingrad and Overlord