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The four main speeds of a horse are Walk, Trot, Canter and Gallop.

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Q: What are the four speeds of a horse?
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How many kms per hour can a horse run?

Some breeds of horse can acheive speeds of up to 70 Kph

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A horse is a quadraped quadra means four ped means foot a horse has four feet. quadruple means four times.

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Four legs. Horses have always had four legs.

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Four different speeds are available plus a pulse setting.

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There are four speeds on the HHT-011.

Are there any different types of canter?

No, the canter is one gait. Most horses have four gaits, but some, like the Tenesse Walking Horse have five. The four main gaits are walk, trot, canter, and gallop. The canter is also known as the lope. while the horse is doing the same with his feet it can be done at all different speeds, where you maybe confused with the different gaits

What is the top speed a horse can reach?

A horse can reach speeds of up to about 70 km/h. Witha stride lenght of 7 meters.

How fast is a gray Arabian horse?

The color of a horse has absolutely no bearing on how fast it is. All Arabians can run at speeds of 18 to 35 MPH.

What is a horse's tempo referring to?

The horse's tempo is referring to the rhythm or the beat of the horse's footsteps. If a horse has a good tempo, they step evenly and consistently If it has a bad tempo it takes uneven steps and changes speeds often

What is the speed record for a horse?

Quarter horses have been clocked at speeds of 55 mph. It is twenty one miles in hour. It's name was Lutid and it was very fast. It trained every day four times a day.

Can a horse go faster than a bolt?

A "bolt" is not a gait, it is simply when a horse takes off unexpectedly. The fastest speed a horse can travel is at a gallop when they can reach speeds of 40 MPH.