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Q: What are the four stages in the life of an average star?
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The size of the star

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between giant and supergiant stages of life

What are the stages of the life cycle of an average star?

-average size -expands and becomes a red giant -cools and contracts, becomes a white dwarf star -massive sized stars -swell and become red supergiants -explode (called a supernova) -become a black hole -become a neutron star

What and average size star looks at the end of its life?

The average star will become a white dwarf at the end of its life.

Where does the star get its energy from?

Usually it's from nuclear fusion. At some stages in a star's life it can get a lot of energy from gravitational collapse.

How star are different stages in their life cycle appear on the H-R diagram?

cause its life cycle appearence

What is the life cycle stages of our star the sun?

It is approx half-way through its 10 billion year life cycle.

What are giants and supergiants considered as?

Giants and super giants are considered stages in the life cycle of a star.

compare your life to the life cycle of a star?

How does the life cycle of humans compare to the life cycle of a star? They both have stages where they are born and die which is in the main sequence and supernova and in a human they are born in a womb and die of old age.

How long does an average star last?

Our Sun is an average star and has a life time of approximately 10 billion years.