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Q: What are the four types of protein?
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How many globin molecules are in each hemoglobin?

There are four nearly-identical individual protein chains in hemoglobin.

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Differentiate the four types of protein structure?

There are four types of protein structure. These include primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure, and quaternary structure. Primary structure is the amino acid sequence. Secondary structure is the shape of the molecule. Tertiary structure is the interaction between groups. Quaternary structure is the interactions between protein subunits.

What types of protein makes up connective tissue?

Fibrous protein

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What type of organic compound is found in Amylase?

amylase has enzymes, but enzymes are not an organic compound. The four types of organic compounds would be lipids, nucleic acids carbohydrates and protein. Your body makes enzymes and amylase, and anything your body make is a protein. Therefore your answer is a protein.

What are the two types of protein-energy malnutrition?

Two types of protein-energy malnutrition have been described--kwashiorkor and marasmus.

What is the function of a protein components test?

Protein components tests measure the amounts and types of protein in the blood.

The plasma membrance of a cell consists of?

The plasma membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer that contains proteins. There are four types of proteins in the plasma membrane - structural protein, receptor protein, transport protein and glycoprotien.

What four items make a protein?

Four items that make a protein are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. These are the four items that make up an amino acid. Protein is made up of amino acids.

How many different types of RNA are there in protein synthesis?

There are three main types of RNA in protein synthesis. They are ribosomal, transfer and messenger. There are other types of RNA but these are the most significant ones.