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Q: What are the four types of soil and its characteristics?
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What are four types of soil particles?

The three types of soil is gravel sand and soil : )

What are four different types of soil?

There is loam, clay,sand and soil

How do climate and landforms affect the soils characteristics?

The soil that forms in a hot, wet climate is very different from the soil that develops in a cold, dry climate. Climate influences the characteristics of developing soil because the climate influences the weathering of the rock. The four soil types that develop in different climate regions are: tropical, desert, temperate, and arctic.

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What are the different kinds of soil?

Some different types of soil are sand, clay, and loam. Humus is another type of soil that is rich in organic matter.

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persuasive and entertaining and explain and persuade

What are the soil characteristics in a tundra?

the soil characteristics are cold rocky and poor nutrients

What do all types of soil have in common?

All types of soil are composed of three basic ingredients: silt, clay, and sand. Additionally, many soils have a layer of humus which is organic material. Different proportions of each are what make different soils have the characteristics that they have. For example, loam, considered to be one of the richest types of soil, is composed of a specific combination of silt, clay, sand, and humus, giving it its characteristics that make it favorable for growing.

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