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and figure it out, if you are desperate. Just keep in mind that the number of people in each country will affect the answer, so averaging will not work.

The way to calculate the frequency of blood types is to find the numbers of each allele in your gene pool and divide each number by the total number of alleles. Multiply the decimal by 100 and you have a percent- your allele frequency.

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Q: What are the frequencies of alleles A and B?
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D) the change in frequencies of alleles due to random events

What is the difinition of alleles?

An allele is a form of a gene. For example, the allele B may lead to black fur and the allele b may lead to white fur. Both B and b are alleles for fur colour.In general notation, dominant alleles are written with a capital letter (eg. B, T, P) and recessive alleles are written with a lower case letter (eg. b, t, p). A person will have two alleles (one from each parent) for every gene. Dominant alleles are expressed over recessive alleles.

Are new alleles made by natural selection?

No - natural selection does not create new alleles. Variation in alleles needs to exist in the population in order for natural selection to occur. Natural selection will involve the change in allele frequencies over time, but it does not create new alleles. New alleles are the result of mutations.

Interbreeding among members of a population results in?

no changes in the relative frequencies of alleles in the gene pool i think...

A trait has two alleles, and their frequencies are represented by p and q. If p = 0.68, what is q?

32 - apex

How are alleles frequencies related to gene pools?

The frequency of the allele represents the percentage of that allele in the gene pool

How do alleles influence natural selection?

It's the other way around: natural selection is the natural process that causes the frequencies of occurence of alleles in the population gene pool to shift.

How many alleles are there for blood type-?

There are three alleles for blood type: IA=Blood type A IB=Blood type B i=Blood type O The alleles for blood type A and B are codominant so when someone contains the IA and IB alleles, their blood type is AB.