

What are the functional groups in Eugenol?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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15y ago

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ether, alcohol, arene, alkene

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The functional groups in eugenol are a phenol group (-OH) and an allyl group (-CH=CH-CH2-).

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Q: What are the functional groups in Eugenol?
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If you performed the chemical tests or determined the spectra of your eugenol sample describe the results?

The chemical tests for eugenol typically involve tests for alkenes, phenols, and the presence of functional groups like the hydroxyl group. The spectra of eugenol usually show characteristic peaks in the infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance regions that can confirm its structure. Results would show the presence of these functional groups and characteristic peaks confirming the identity of eugenol.

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Yes, eugenol is a chiral molecule as it contains a stereocenter due to the presence of an asymmetric carbon atom.

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Eugenol is practically insoluble in water; it is hydrophobic.

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