

Are DNA and rna functional groups?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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yes it is functional grop

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Q: Are DNA and rna functional groups?
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Deoxyribose (DNA) or Ribose (RNA)

Functional difference between RNA and DNA?

DNA remains inside the nuclei of cells and contains all the genetic information. RNA, however, helps to take the DNA "code" out of the nuclei to make proteins at the ribosomes. You can imagine DNA as the "criminal" in a prison and must use the RNA "messenger" to take his messages into the outside world.

What are the two major groups of nitrogenous bases in RNA and DNA?

Purines and Pyrimidines

Explain three characteristics that distinguish DNA of rna?

ok so DNA cannot leave the nucleus it will be destroyed if it does rna is a copy of DNA rna has three dif groups trna mrna rrna (transfer messanger and ribosomal nucleic acid)

What are two types of nucleic acid found the cell?

Deoxy-ribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA)

What is the name of the nucleotides have no DNA and no RNA?

Nucleotides do not have DNA or RNA. DNA and RNA are composed of nucleotides.

What enzyme transcribes DNA?

The enzyme that transcribes the DNA into RNA is called RNA polymerase.

A major difference in RNA as compared to DNA is?

RNA can move and DNA cant. DNA has a double helix strand and RNA is a single strand.

What RNA stands for?

RNA is ribonucleic acid. It is a nucleic acid just as DNA. DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. It actually has to do with OH groups on the sugars ribose and deoxyribose. In higher organisms, RNA functions: to carry the message from DNA, to carry an amino acid, and in the make up of organelles called ribosomes.

The functional units of DNA that contain the instructions for making one or more proteins are?

Genes. These are the sections of DNA that contain the instructions for a functional product, such as protein. Genes only make up a very small amount of human DNA, around 3% - but are vital for survival.

What is the substance in RNA but not DNA?

An uracil base is in RNA but not in DNA