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Hydrogen, and only Hydrogen. Other gasses may be present, but they would work against the fusion reaction by being in the way and absorbing energy. In nuclear physics, things that impede the nuclear reactions are called "poisons" and have to be calculated in for their overall effects. As a star ages and uses up its Hydrogen, it will start to fuse Helium atoms, since they are the next lightest atoms in the Periodic Table. They take a lot more energy to fuse, so there isn't as much energy being produced and eventually the star will die. Based on its size, it will either explode or it won't, that's a different topic.

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Q: What are the gases that create nuclear fusion to make a star?
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Where does nuclear fusion occur in a nuclear plant?

No place, we have not yet determined how to make a fusion reactor. Only fusion bombs.

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The benefit of nuclear fusion is its potential to provide a virtually limitless and clean energy source with minimal environmental impact. One thing nuclear fission and nuclear fusion have in common is that they both involve the release of energy by altering the nuclei of atoms, although through different processes.

Is nuclei and nuclear fusion the same?

No. Nuclei are objects, nuclear fusion is a process in which those objects join to make bigger nuclei.

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It can't as nobody has figured out how to make a fusion reactor.

What process does a sun use to make its energy?

nuclear fusion.

How does a star make energy?

A process called nuclear fusion.

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nuclear fusion

Why does the atomic bomb make an explosion?

uncontrolled nuclear fission and/or fusion.

Do fusion reactions provide nuclear power?

No, a fission reaction is not necessary to trigger a fusion reaction, but for us on earth, it is. In the field of nuclear weapons, a fission bomb is needed to create the heat necessary to set off a fusion weapon. We have to use fission, or, rather, the energy created by that, to initiate the fusion reaction. It might be possible to use a high power source, like a laser, on a small amount of material to get fusion to occur. But we are still experimenting with this in the Tokamak, and it's far from being a done deal. Stars are, in general, massive nuclear fusion reactors. Their constant consumption of fuel powering their high rate of fusion creates a massive amount of energy, and the stars' huge gravity keeps this process from blowing the whole thing apart. No fission is needed to sustain this reaction.

What planet has energy created by nuclear fusion?

the only planet that is known to make nuclear power at this point is earth.

What does the stars have to do with nuclear energy?

Nuclear fusion is the process that powers stars, including our sun. The intense heat and pressure in the core of a star creates the conditions necessary for nuclear fusion to occur, releasing vast amounts of energy. Scientists are working on harnessing this same process for practical energy production on Earth through nuclear fusion reactors.