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Anime/Manga, Books, Cartoons, Comics, Games, Misc, Movies, Plays/Musicals, and TV Shows.

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Q: What are the genres on FanFictionnet?
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Is there a Bionicle-Metroid Crossover story on Fanfictionnet?

No, there is not.

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Does fanfictionnet have any fees to create an account?

No, is free.

How do you make a bio on fanfictionnet?

Account, Profile. Type in what you want there.

What is a hit on fanfictionnet?

A hit is when a person visits or views your story or profile.

On fanfictionnet where are your reviews located?

Traffic Stats, Legacy Story Stats.

To publish the chapter you typed in the word to the fanfictionnet?

Upload it to the document manager.

How do you access your fanfictionnet profile?

Click 'Log in' in the top right side of the screen.

Can you have another FanFictionnet account?

If you want to. There is no single profile rule, but you must have a different email.

Is fanfictionnet mobile free?

Of course. You can't access it if you don't pay for your phone service, of course...

How Can you read stories while loged in on fanfictionnet?

Just go to the category you want and look for the archive you want.

How often does the website fanfictionnet hold contests?

I don't think they do hold contests...if they do, it's very rare.