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Q: What are the green spheres in plant cells called?
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What is the green pigment in chloroplasts in plant cells called?


What color are the plant cells cloroplasts?

I believe that chloroplasts are green. The link below will help you to understand better.

Plants cells that contain the green pigment chlorophyll?

Plant cells that contain the green pigment chlorophyll also appear green in color. This green pigment is contained within the chloroplast.

Why is the grass green not purple?

Grass is a plant. Plants are made of plant cells. Plant cells have chlorophyll in them. Chlorophyll is the GREEN pigment in plant cells, so it makes the grass green.

What makes a plant appear green?

The cells that are in the plants are called plant cells and within those plant cells there is a green pigment called chlorophyll in the chloroplast which gives the plants their green color. Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight and helps the plant with photosynthesis.

How are plant cells and animals cell alike and different?

One major point is their shape. Plant cells are hexagonal shaped. Animal cells don't have a shape. Also, plant cells have an organelle called chloroplast, inside of which is a green pigment called chlorophyll.

Are all plant cells green?

In the plant cells there are things called chloroplasts. These chloroplasts contain something called chlorophyll. The chlorophyll carry out photosynthesis. The chlorophyll and chloroplasts are colored green, in witch make the plant cells green. The roots are not green because if there were chloroplasts in the roots, they would get no sunlight because they would be underground. Your welcome! I have a answers account now, yay!

What is the green material called that some cells contain?

I'm pretty sure its Chlorophyll, which is found in plant cells.

What helps to makes plant cells green?

plant cells are green because of the chloroplasts, which are made from chlorophill, which is green

Plant cells are green and animal cells are not This is because only plant cells contain what?

ChloroplastsExplanation...Plant cells contain chloroplasts, which are made up of a substance called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a pigment that gives plant cells their green color.Chloroplasts are the cell structures in which food is produced in plants and some unicellular organisms, such as algae and some protists.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What is the pigment found in plant cells called?

The green coloring or pigment in plant is called CHLOROPHYLL. carentoniod anthocyanins betalains

What makes the plant cells green?

The chlorophyll has a green pigment, thus giving the plant its [green] color.