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Warts, if not removed by a medical professional can lead to depression and a poor self image. This could ultimately lead to the wearing of black and the adoption of ugly black animals, such as cats. It could possible cause an interest in metaphysics and the occult. If left untreated, your skin may turn a pallid yellow or green and your voice may start to crack and crackle. You may also start using terms such as "My pretty" or "Deary" when you see pretty, little girls.

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Q: What are the harmful effects of warts on my body other than cosmetic effects?
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How is fungi harmful to other living things?

fungi is the cause of food moulds, and some skin rashes such as warts. So it can be infectious to the things it comes in contact with and potentially harmful to that organism.

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high chemical wastes that gives you genital warts & all other sick diseases that kill you.

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HPV is harmful because some subtypes can increase the risk of genital, anal, and head and neck cancers. Warts themselves are a harmless annoyance.

What can cosmetic laser treatment be used for?

Cosmetic laser treatment can be used to smoothen wrinkles on the face and body, and can also be used to remove pigmentation, such as birth marks or slight scarring. It can also be used to remove warts and some tattoos.

What is the epidermis used for on an amphibean?

For most frogs, it assists them in getting oxygen and keeping out harmful substances. For the toads, they can store fat in their "warts," can us it for limited protection, and can keep out harmful substances.

Can warts be harmful in any way?

Warts are not harmful to your health, although many people find them unpleasant to have and therefore desire to get rid of them. There are treatments available from a pharmacy and your doctor to treat them, however many people stop treating them too early and the wart will then come back over time and grow larger than before.

How are warts treated in alternative medicine?

Alternative treatments for rashes focus on relieving symptoms, clearing the rash, and rejuvenating the skin. There are many forms of alternative medicine that have remedies for rashes.

Is warts among children to be blamed on the parents?

No. Children often get warts. They are from a virus that can be found in sand boxes and other places.

Can toads give other toads warts?

Toads do not have warts so they can't give it to another Toad so the answer would be No.

What types of warts are there?

Plantars warts seed warts smart warts and many more

Why do pickles have warts?

pickles have warts because cucumbers have warts.