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Q: What are the header file of scanf function?
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Related questions

Which function is used to read data from the console?

The scanf() function in the <stdio.h> C standard library header.

Can you compile program without header file?

Yes,we can compile our program without header file without any error,but we can not use any predefine functions like printf,scanf.

Which header file has clrscr function?


Which header file must be included to use the function pow?

The std::pow() function can be found in the <cmath> header.

What is standard library function in c?

The Standard Librarary Function in C is printf,scanf inf Standard input output header.. which is stdio.h.

What is the header file for string library function?


Is header file the library file?

No. Header files are those which contains declaration part of function & library files are those which contains definition part of function. These are those functions which we called in our program by using header files.

How do you design inline function as a member function?

You define the function at the same time you declare it, usually in the header file, sometimes in an .hpp file.

How do you correct the C plus plus programming error missing function header?

You need to #include the header file that contains the missing function's declaration.

What is the header file for swap function?

#include<stdio.h> Another answer: Nothing.

How do you create a user defined header file?

Header files are not much different from usual cpp files. There are basically two different things. It's file extension: you need to choose "header file" when you create it or save as .h file. Second is header files do not have main() function. When you are done with you header file do not forger to include it in your project by writing preprocessor directive:#include "your_header_file.h"

What function enables the user to input information while the program is being executed in c?

The scanf() function is a commonly used function to input information during the execution of a program. scanf() function has its prototype in the stdio.h header file. To accept and display a number: int num; printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%d",&num); printf("You entered %d",num); To accept and display a character, replace %d with %c and make num a character variable [char]. Plus: gets, fgets, read, fread, getchar, getc, fgetc, getch...