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If its localized; then death to a limb or organ.

If its general, then cardiac failure and death.

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Q: What are the health problems if the circulatory system doesn't work?
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How does the nervous system connected to the circulatory system?

It doesnt

What health concern would the circulatory system consist of?

the circulatory system transport all the blood to the whole body.

How can cardiovascular diseases affect your health?

Cardiovascular diseases are diseases that relate with the circulatory or cardiovascular system. The circulatory system is the system in the body that transports nutrients and oxygen. The main organ in the circulatory system is the heart. Cardiovascular diseases affect the main functions of the cardiovascular system. There are many ways that a cardiovascular diseases affect your health. A main way these diseases can affect your health is by not giving enough oxygen to different parts of your body this can cause severe health problems because every part of the body needs oxygen and they won't function without oxygen. Cardiovascular diseases can cause severe health problems, including death, and should be taken seriously.

How to keep our circulatory system health?

drink water

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Eating fatty foods will impact on your circulatory system because the fat is absobed in the blood.

What problems can happen in the blood and circulatory system?

blood clott

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To avoid from having some circulatory ailments

Identify some problems of the circulatory system?

its oval shaped not circular

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What is the circulatory system in the monkeys body?

closed circulatory system (double circulatory system)

How are the circulatory system and the circulatory system related?

They're both the circulatory system.

Do amphibians have an open circulatory system or a closed circulatory system?

Amphibians have closed circulatory system Closed