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Excessive drinking can result in alcohol poisoning and liver failure.

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Q: What are the illness that may result from drinking alcohol?
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Related questions

What are the deceases that may result from drinking alcohol?

A major decrease than may occur is a temporary slowing of reaction time.

What are the risks of drinking heavily after prostate surgery?

Aside from the normal risks involved with heavy drinking, heavy alcohol consumption may result in a slowed healing/recoery time, and may increase the risk of infection.

Does alcohol cause sweating?

Itdepe on the individual however yes it can in many cases

Can you drink red wine after tongue piercing?

Drinking alcohol before the piercing has healed may result in pain as the alcohol irritates your tissue. It isn't toxic, and it shouldn't interfere with the healing of the piercing. After the piercing has healed, there should be no problems or inconveniences related to drinking alcohol, even red wine.

Can a breathalyzer be passed 12 hrs after drinking alcohol?

A Breathalyzer may or may not be able to be passed 12 hours after drinking alcohol. This depends on how much the person drank, and how fast their body metabolizes the alcohol.

A person may be an alcoholic if he or she?

Can't control the amount or timing of alcohol consumption, experiences serious problems as a result of drinking, hides alcohol, "pre-loads" before going out to social events, etc.

What are the disadvantages to drinking alcohol?

Too much alcohol can cause death. Drinking and driving can also accidents. Drinking too much may also cause liver damage.

How harmful is drinking 3 months into pregnancy?

Drinking any alcohol may be dangerous to your baby. There has been no 'safe' amount of alcohol identified that does not cause fetal alcohol syndrome.

Drinking alcohol after a tooth extraction?

Drinking alcohol tends to thin the blood temporarily which might result in the socket bleeding. If you are taking pain killers this would also be a contraindication to drinking alcohol. It depends how long it has been since the tooth was extracted but when I had one extracted I had instructions for aftercare to follow for three days so this could be a good guideline for you.

Why do your eyes water all the time could it be drinking alcohol?

May be infection. Not necesarily drinking

How long after a DUI stop should you be given a breathe test?

The sooner the test, the more accurate the results. If you had just finished drinking (or were drinking) when you were stopped, your blood alcohol may still be going up so a delayed BAC may show more alcohol than you actually had at the time of the violation. If you had stopped drinking a while before being stopped, then your blood alcohol may be going down and the result would be a lower reading. Obviously the longer the wait for a BAC, the more a good attorney can argue about the results.

What is legal age for drinking alcohol in the US?

you may have to be 21 or older to be drinking