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Q: What are the independent and dependent variables in the experiment of changing flower petals colors?
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What role do independent and d dependent variables play in a control es experiment?

The independent variable in an controlled experiment is what you are changing

Examples of independent and dependent variables in science?

Independent and dependent variables are the variables that change during the course of an experiment. An example might be an experiment on how temperature affects plant growth. Changing the temperature is the independent variable, while the level of plant growth that results is the dependent variable.

What dose controlled experiment mean?

this is an experiment that only one varible is manipulated at a time

What are the differences between independent and dependent variables?

An independent variable is the variable you can change in an experiment. On a graph, it's on the X-axis. A dependent variable is the result of changing the independent variable. It is literally dependent on it. The dependent variable goes on the Y-axis.

What condition in an experiment does a biologist manipulate?

In an experiment, the condition manipulated by a biologist is known as the independent variable. The condition that changes based upon how the independent variable was manipulated is known as the dependent variable.

What is the dependent and independent variables when testing for protein in foods?

Independent is the thing that you are changing which is probably the food and the dependent is the thing is changing . I think. .....

Define dependent responding variable?

A dependent (responding) variable is a condition that can change as the result of an independent variable's alteration. It can also be referred to as an effect. Every well-designed experiment has three kinds of variables. 1) Control variables, which are the same for each stage of the experiment. 2) Independent (manipulated) variables, which represent what is being changed by experimenters. 3) Dependent (responding) variables, which respond to the change and ideally are the direct result of the change in the independent (manipulated) variables.

How is independent and dependent variables measured?

Independent Variable is what you are CHANGING and Dependent Variable is what you are MEASURING ! get at me on aim if i helped Gurlsofly5

What is it independence dependent and constant variable?

These changing quantities are called variables. A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. An experiment usually has three kinds of variables: independent, dependent, and controlled.

What are Variables in an experament?

A variable of an experiment is anything that is changed either deliberately, or as a result of changing something else. An independent variable is one that is changed to obtain a different result. A dependent variable is the thing that changes as a result of changing the independent variable. There is also the controlled variable, or just control, which does not change throughout the experiment. A test or a trial

What are the types of variables?

THE TYPES OF VARIABLES1.Constant or Controlling Variablesvariables that you do not change all throughout the experiment.2.Manipulated Variablevariable that you change in the activity.They are also called the Independent Variable3.Responding Variablevariable that result by changing the variablealso called as the Dependent Variable in doing such activity ,Far Test can be achieve by changing only one variable at a time.

What do dependent and independent variables represent in science?

In science, independent variables are variables that you control the change of, to see how somethings changes as a result of changing these variables. Dependent variables are variables that change because the independent variables are changed, but you don't change directly. A good example of this would be an experiment where you're measing how cold a glass of water gets after putting in different amounts of ice in it and wating 5 minutes. The independant variable would be the amount of ice you put into each glass, because that's what you're directly changing. The dependent variable is how cold each glass gets, because that's the result you're trying to see by changing the independent variable - it changes because something else changes. Additionally, when graphing, independent variables are put on the x-axis (horizontal line), and dependent variables are put on the y-axis (vertical line).