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Butter taste.

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Q: What are the indicators of a high quality shortened cake?
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What brand of cake mix gives the best professional results?

Betty Crocker cake mix has always been the best. It is to make but is also of high quality.

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When a person wears high heeled shoes what muscle is shortened?

The gastrocnemius or the calf muscle is shortened from wearing high heels over a long period of time.

What social indicators demonstrate that a society is well run?

Observing social indicators can help you understand a society's success. For example, indicators like high education level, low unemployment, and high average income can reveal that a society is well-run.

Is cake high in salt?

it depends on what type of cake it is

What is high fat cake?

A high fat cake is a cake that contains high amounts of calories, fats, and sugars. It is usually a cake that includes egg yolks, milk, cream, butter, margarine, lard, shortening / vegetbale shortening, and / or oil.

Which kind of cake would you expect to have better keeping qualities a sponge cake which is low in fat or a high-ratio cake which is high in both fat and sugar?

the sponge cake

Does Martha Stewart make any cake carriers and if so where can I buy them offline?

Yes Martha Stewart does make a pie/cake carrier. They are high quality and reasonably priced. Most of these carriers are sold online but they are also for sale at Macy's.

What is the defining quality of hi fi systems?

Hi fi is a shortened version of high fidelity. In hi fi systems, the sound that is produced is highly true to the original sound, the way the artist had recorded it.

Are anthills indicators of groundwater?

As a matter of fact, anthills are indicators of groundwater. There is a very high possibility that you will find underground water in places where you will find anthills.

Is angel food cake high in purine?

Angel food cake and gout ?

Why is high quality important?

High quality is important because high quality products will last a long time. Since high quality products are durable, customers will pay more for the products.