

Best Answer

One part carbon = carbon

two parts oxygen = di oxide

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Q: What are the ingredients in carbon dioxide?
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What is the ingredients in bread that produce carbon dioxide?

The ingredient in bread that produces carbon dioxide is yeast.

Does plant take in carbon dioxide when making food?

Yes, Carbon dioxide and water are the two main ingredients in photosynthesis.

What two ingredients are necessary for combustion?

Carbon and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide, CO2, during the combustion of fuel.

What are two important ingredients for photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and water.

What does the plant take in as ingredients for photosynthesis?

The plant takes in carbon dioxide, water and sunlight as ingredients for photosynthesis.

What active ingredients are found in 7 up?

Carbon dioxide under pressure

What chemicals is in the fire extinguisher?

In fire extinguishers, they put carbon dioxide in it because it extinguishes fires. The two ingredients of carbon dioxide are; baking soda and vinegar.

What 4 substances must be present to photosynthesis to occur?

water, sunlight, oxygen, and carbon dioxide

List the ingredients and products of photosynthesis?

The overall reactants (ingredients) are carbon dioxide and water. The overall products are glucose and oxygen.

What are the ingredients plants need for their food making process?

Photosynthesis, Carbon Dioxide, and Water

What 4 ingredients are needed by a plant to perform photosynthesis?

water, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and enzymes

What are the ingredients that plants need to perform the process of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide, water, and energy from sunlight.