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Burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark (inner bark), turkey rhubarb.

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Q: What are the ingredients of ESSIAC?
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How is essiac tea taken?

Essiac tea is a type of herbal tea promoted as an alternative form of treatment for cancer, along with numerous other illnesses. It is composed of burdock, Indian rhubarb, sheep sorrel, and slippery elm bark.

Can you shoot essiac?

No, you will die.

Who should not take essiac tea?

Essiac tea is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Also people with kidney disease should not use essiac. The tea contains oxalic acid which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

What illnesses is Essiac said to treat?

Essiac is said to treat cancer, but it is widely accepted as more of a helping hand to your immune system than a treatment for cancer, seeing as there is absolutely no proof that it treats, prevents or cures cancer.

What research has been done on essiac tea?

The mainstream medical community does not embrace essiac tea. Critics contend that a certain number of cancers deemed incurable spontaneously go into remission without an adequate medical explanation as to why.

Is essiac only for cancer treatment?

No, essiac can be used to treat many diseases because it detoxifies the body and boosts the immune system. The immune system is the body's number one defense against disease and when it is healthy, it can protect and heal better than anything. Essiac tea addresses the two main problems that are the root of most disease. Toxicity and compromised immune system.

Dog has lymphoma can essiac tea be taken while on prednisone?

I used essiac tea on my dog that had hemangiosarcoma and I used essiac tea. I really saw a difference in the quality of her life but it didn't really help as far as lengthening her life span. I would recommend it and I believe that you would be able to take it with prednisone but i would ask a vet or ask a person that deals with homeopathic remidies or homeopathic vet before you give your pet both.

What can you put on Essiac to have cat eat it. Fish oil worked but i can't give it to him everyday.?

Use Pill Pockets! They are designed to hide the pill and have a variety of flavours!

Is Essiac an effective cancer treatment?

Yes it is. Unfortunately the Canadians destroyed all of Rene Caisse's notes and case histories. But there are some accounts still available, not least of which is that of her own mother's cure, and that of one of the Kennedy clan who had cancer in the leg and was cured by a doctor who worked with own experience is of prostate cancer (metastasized, PSA 781) which was cured with a combination of Kombucha and Essiac. One has to want to be cured, and one has to stick at it.

Where can I purchase Essiac Tea in the Milford area?

I do not know where that city is but you can order online

Does essiac tea help people with crohn's disease?

This is a rather difficult question because Essiac tea is not a single herb, but a blend of herbs. The ingredients were combined to be used for cancer, digestive troubles and health in general, but not particularly for Crohn's disease. However, I suppose a cautious use of the blend could be used in mild cases of Crohn's disease. One of the ingredients is the white inner bark of slippery elm (Ulmus fulva or rubra). Made into a tea it turns into a gel like substance that coats and protects the digestive tract. This soothing herb is recommended for Crohn's disease. Some of the herbs in the Essiac tea are strong cleansers of the body or could irritate the gut and patients with severe Crohn's disease should avoid these. Although in more severe cases regular medicines (pharmaceuticals) should not be overlooked, selected herbs and supplements could be added under guidance of an experienced health practitioner. Other useful ingredients in Essiac tea for Crohn's disease: Burdock (root) - Arctium lappa. This herb improves lever function and bile flow and so improves digestion. It could be used as a support. Kelp. This vegetable from the sea contains lots of trace minerals which are welcome with the disturbed digestion by Crohn's disease. The alginates in kelp have a soothing and cleansing effect on the digestive tract. Overuse could trigger hypothyreodism or hyperthyroidism. Red Clover - Trifolium pretense. This herb cleans the blood and decreases inflammation. It can be used as a remedy against Crohn's disease. Watercress = Nasturtium officinale. This vegetable contains lots of healthy minerals and vitamins. So it is healthy for everyone and for Crohn's disease in particular. It was added to the original Essiac formula to prevent kidney stone formation by the oxalic acid from the Sheep Sorrel. New evidence shows that it could prevent breast cancer. Maybe not so useful for Crohn's disease: Sheep Sorrel - Rumex acetosella. According to Rene Caisse this herb was the most active ingredient in the Essiac mixture. It is helpful against leaky gut, one of the possible causes of Crohn's disease. Turkish Rhubarb (root) - Rheum palmatum. In larger doses this herb acts as an healthy laxans, but that is not what Crohn patients want. In small doses it could help against diarrhea. It is helpful against leaky gut. Blessed Thistle - Cnicus benedictus. This herb helps digestion. But it contains tannins and might irritate stomach and intestines.

Can essiac tea cause side effects?

Yes there are some side effects that have been associated with essiac tea. However, these effects are common when detoxing with any type of natural medicine. They are caused by built up toxins that are released into the bloodstream to be filtered and removed. If they are released to rapidly they can cause nausea, indigestion, flu like symptoms and other effects. You should start with a small dose at first and drink plenty of water to dilute the toxins.