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Q: What are the instructions for examining a moss leaf under a microscope?
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How do you test the bristles of leaves?

By scraping the leaf surface and examining under the microscope.

Why is it difficult to view an oak leaf under a microscope?

An optical microscope focuses best on an object having a smooth flat surface. An oak leaf is difficult to focus on when viewed under a microscope because it has an irregular surface.

Why is there no point in looking at a whole leaf through a microscope?

because it would not fit under the microscope

Why cant you use an oak leaf under a microscope?

to see the small part

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because of the living cells

How do you determine the location of starch in a leaf?

To determine the location of starch in a leaf, one can examine it under the microscope and apply one small drop of iodine to the leaf. The parts of the leaf that turn purple contain starch.

Why cant you use a oak leaf under a microscope?

You can use an oak leaf under a microscope, but you wont see anything. Haha, the oak leaf is too thick to be able to see the cells, and obviously what in inside of the cell. If you want to see something under a microscope that is a plant cell, onion skin works well! Hope I helped!

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How do you examine leaf epidermal cell?

Leaf epidermal cells are examined by making peelings of epidermal cells from both sides. Normally these peelings are stained and examined under the compound microscope.

Can the cell structures within a leaf be seen with a stereo microscope?

The cell structures within a leaf cannot be seen with a stereo microscope. A microscope that is equipped with transmitted light and also stronger magnification is needed in order to do so.

What are the parts of leaves involved in photosynthsis?

chloroplasts. If you cut the leaf in half and look at it under a microscope, you will see some cells with green dots on them. these are the chloroplasts.

A well stained leaf peel mount when observed under the high power of a microscope shows nuclei in?

guard cells,epidrmal cells and stoma