

Best Answer

Well, they have a lot of organs that we humans have, for example:






Small Intestine

Large Intestine


Spinal cord

Lymph nodes

Thyroid glands

Parathyroid gland

Gall bladder



Adrenal glands


Blood vessels




Prostate gland

Cowper's gland

Seminal (?) gland



Uterus/uterine horns




As a ruminant, the Stomach has four compartments:





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11y ago

A cows mouth is adapted for grazing, the top part of the mouth is a hard pad and the bottom part a row of flat-topped teeth. Cows have 32 teeth in all, 8 incisors on the bottom part and 6 molars on the top and bottom parts on each side.

The cow tears grass from the field and grinds it between the two mouth parts.

A cows ears are very flexible and can turn in any direction. They are especially used to hear any signs of danger from many directions.

Cows have long tails which they use to waft insects of them.

Bulls have horns, although some female cows have small horns too. Bulls horns are made out of similar material to our fingernails called 'Keratin'. Bulls horns can be removed without causing the cow any discomfort.

Diet: Cows are herbivores which means they do not eat meat, only plants, grass and cereal. Cows are ruminant animals which means they have more than one stomach.

Cows have a four part stomach, each part used for a different process.

Cows swallow their food without chewing it too much at first. Cows later regurgitate a 'cud' which is then chewed well and swallowed.

The Anatomy of a Cows Stomach

Inside a cows stomach region, there are 4 digestive departments:

1. The Rumen - this is the largest part and holds upto 50 gallons of partially digested food. This is where the 'cud' comes from. Good bacteria in the Rumen helps soften and digest the cows food and provides protein for the cow.

2. The Recticulum - this part of the stomach is called the 'hardware' stomach. This is because if the cow eats something it should not have like a peice of Fencing, it lodges here in the Recticulum. However, the contractions of the reticulum can force the object into the peritoneal cavity where it initiates inflammation. Nails and screws can even peroferate the heart. The grass that has been eaten is also softened further in this stomach section and is formed into small wads of cud. Each cud returns to the cows mouth and is chewed 40 - 60 times and then swallowed properly.

3. The Omasum - this part of the stomach is a 'filter'. It filters through all the food the cow eats. The cud is also pressed and broken down further.

4. The Abomasum - this part of the stomach is like a humans stomach and is connected to the intestines. Here, the food is finally digested by the cows stomach juices and essential nutrients that the cow needs are passed through the bloodstream. The rest is passed through to the intestines and produces a 'cow pat'.

A little poem about the cows stomach!

Brown Cow

No wander you're always eating,

On the plains and on the hill,

Brown cow, no doubt you're hungry,

You have four stomachs to fill!

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9y ago

External parts of cattle include horns, hooves, and tails. The horns of cattle are used to fight off predators and other males. The hooves are used for walking, and the tails are used for keeping away flies and pests.

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9y ago

Cattle have many different external parts. They have four legs, a tail, moist noses, and four hooves. Male cattle typically have large horns, while female cattle do not grow horns at all.

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9y ago

The hoofs of the cattle are used for protecting their feet while outside. The hide helps keep them warm during the winter.

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