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This book sucks don't read it will kill you!!!!!

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Q: What are the items included in a survival kit?
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What is in the survival kit ended up saving Brian in hatchet?

The survival kit contained various items such as matches, a small emergency transmitter, and a flint striker. These items helped Brian to start a fire, attract the attention of a passing plane, and remain hopeful and focused on survival. Ultimately, the survival kit played a crucial role in keeping Brian alive during his ordeal in the wilderness.

What might hypothetically be included in a zombie survival kit?

A zombie survival kit might include fire weapons, bombs, knives and other things that are necessary to fight against zombies. A zombie survival kit should also include bandages, disinfection materials and medicines.

What items and level of quality are needed for an adequate survival kit for varied activities?

A survival kit needs to supply, or give you the tools to furnish, MEDICAL CARE, SHELTER, SIGNALLING to attract rescue and SUSTENANCE. The ultimately simple survival kit is a good quality knife and reliable fire starter. If you are preparing for a survival kit you may consider also for how many people are you preparing for.

Why do you need three meters of cord in a survival kit?

Many survival kits include nylon cord, string, twine or rope. In many survival situations these items are extraordinarily useful from building snares to hanging your cloths to dry cord/rope is a big yes in a survival kit.

What should be included in an emergency survival kit?

In an emergency survival kit should be included food and water, shelter or warmth, bandages, adhesive bandages, medical tweezers, manual, signal mirror or other signals stuff like a signal pistol and multi-purpose tools like a leatherman.

What types of items are included in an emergency car kit?

There are many items that should be included in a car emergency kit. Maps, rags, flashlight with batteries, flares, empty gas cans, a jack, shovel and a pocket knife to name a few things.

What is included in a CCTV kit?

Many items are included in this kit. DVR, security cameras, and all the chords and power necessary for running this type of equipment. Cables and accessories are all included.

What are the items in Brian robensons survival pack in hatchet The book?

In the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, the survival pack that Brian Robeson has with him when the plane he is in crashes includes items such as a hatchet, a windbreaker, matches, a first aid kit, a sleeping bag, and a survival pack with freeze-dried food. These items prove essential to his survival in the wilderness.

What items are included in the Sony ACC-DVDH2 Accessory Starter Kit for a Handycam?

This kit includes a battery, two blank dvd's and a case.

What are the items should be included in a Travel Shave Kit?

There is a variety of items you will get with a travel shave kit depending on price and quality. The basics of a travel shave kit should be a razor, shaving cream, scissors, a comb and after shave lotion.

What items are typically included when purchasing a camera kit?

A camera kit typically includes a camera, a lens, and a case. Additionally, a memory card may be included. The memory can card can come in a variety of sizes.

What items are important to be found in a car emergency kit?

There are a number of items that are important to carry in a car emergency kit. Some of the items that should be included are jumper cables, flashlight, emergency signal devices, extra food and water and a blanket.