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they are white blood cells, or neutrophils. all non acid fast cells and tissue cells will turn blue.

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Human cells.

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Non acid fast

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Q: What are the large blue-stained areas on the sputum slide?
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What is a sputum slide?

A sputum slide is a laboratory sample obtained by collecting mucus or phlegm that is coughed up from the respiratory tract. It is examined under a microscope to identify any microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi, that may be present, helping in the diagnosis of respiratory infections or diseases.

How do you do a sputum smear?

A sputum smear is done to check for pathogenic microbes. A sensitivity test should be also done to check to see what antibiotic or drug can control that microbe. This done by taking some sputum from a patient and smearing a small amount that has been diluted with saline on to a slide. A sterile "hockey" shaped glass instrument is used or another sterile slide using the end.

How are sputum cultures performed?

.the sputum must be collected into a sterile container. Once in the laboratory, each culture type is handled differently. Bacterial culture.sputum is smeared on a microscope slide for a Gram stain. for mold or yeast, a fungal culture is done.

What is a large mass of fallen rock?

A rock slide or land slide

What is caused when large amounts of material slide quickly down slopes?

A landslide occurs when large amounts of material slide quickly down slopes due to factors like heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or human activities. This rapid movement can cause significant damage to surrounding areas and pose risks to life and property.

Do htc touch phones slide upwards?

Some do, others slide with a large keyboard on the side.

Which brass instrument has the large slide?

That's the trombone.

What pane shows a large view of the current slide on the right side of the window?

swag swag

What is a synonym for avalanche?

snow-slide, landslide, landslip, large amount, barrage, torrent, deluge, inundationsnow-slide, landslide, landslip, large amount, barrage, torrent, deluge, inundation

Why is more force needed to slide a large book across the table then to slide a small book across the table?

A large book has more mass, which requires more force to be moved.

Why lands slide occurs in hill station?

Landslides occur in hilly areas because the area is sloped. On a flat surface, nothing can slide properly, unlike hills; anything can slide down it with ease.

Who learns mud slide in Pokemon emerald?

Mud slide is not a move, mud slides are placed in the game too prevent you from reaching certain areas but if you use the mach bike's speed you can easily go up the slide.