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Q: What are the largest layer of earths surface composed mostly of silicon oxygen magnesium and iron?
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What is the largest layer of earth's surface composed mostly of silicon oxygen magnesium and iron?

it's mantle

What is the largest layer in earth's surface composed mostly of silicon oxygen magnesium and iron?

it's mantle

Largest layer of earth's surface's composed mostly of silicon oxygen magnesium and iron?

Oceanic crust.

Largest layer of earth's surface composed mostly of silicon oxygen magnesiusm and iron?

Mantle.Earth's largest layer is the mantle.

What is the surface of the moon made of?

The surface of the moon is primarily made of rocky material, specifically a type of rock called basalt. It also contains other elements and minerals such as silicon, iron, magnesium, and calcium. The surface is covered in a layer of dust and rocky debris called regolith.

Description of lunar surface?

The surface of the moon is characterized by impact craters, their ejecta, volcanoes, hills, lava flows and depressions filled with magma. Known elements to be present on the surface are oxygen, silicon, iron, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, manganese and titanium.

What covers most of the moon's surface?

43% of lunar soil is oxygen, 21% silicon, 13% iron, 8% calcium, 6% aluminum, 5% magnesium, and 4% other elements...

What is the largest land in Canada?

Nunavut has the largest surface area, but it also composed of islands. As far as "solid" land mass, it would probably be Quebec.

Earth is mainly composed of what?

By mass, the Earth is composed of mostly iron (35 percent), oxygen (30 percent), silicon (15 percent), and magnesium (13 percent). It is made of distinct layers: a thin crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core, and inner core, as well as transition zones. The crust is thinner under the oceans but thicker under the continents. While the inner core and crust are solid, the outer core and mantle layers are semi-fluid. Most of the mass of the Earth is in the mantle, which is mostly made of the minerals olivene and pyroxene (iron and magnesium silicates). The elements calcium and aluminum are abundant in the upper mantle and while silicon, magnesium, and oxygen are major components of the lower mantle. The core is probably composed mostly of iron (perhaps with some nickel), where the temperature may be as high as 7227 °C (13,040 °F) at the center -- which is hotter than the surface of the Sun

Is silicon hydrophobic?

It depends on the surface status of the silicon. Bare silicon surface without any chemical termination is 'hydrophobic'. But this is very unstable status and it is very easily oxidized forming native SiO2 layer in the air which is 'hydrophilic'. Chemical treatment to make silicon surface hydrogen terminated will make it hydrophobic; while surface with OH termination will make it hydrophilic.

How the earth is made up?

The Earth is rocky, mainly iron, oxygen, silicon and magnesium, still molten internally, a thin atmosphere largely of nitrogen and oxygen, and liquid water oceans over two thirds of its surface.

What forms beneath the earths surface?

Various geological formations can form beneath the Earth's surface, including caves, underground rivers, magma chambers, and oil or mineral deposits. These formations are the result of geological processes such as erosion, volcanic activity, and sedimentary deposition occurring over millions of years.