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Q: What are the last 2 steps int the acronym MR SOPA?
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How do you write a program to generate 'n' Fibonacci numbers?

I don't program in just C (I use C++) so you may have to change some of the code:int main(){int n;int last = 1;int slast = 0;int numbers[n];numbers[0] = 1;for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){numbers[i] = last + slast;slast = last;last = numbers[i];}return 0;}int n needs to be set to however many Fibonacci numbers you want to last is the last number in the sequence (so far)int slast is the second last number in the sequence (so far)int numbers[n] is the int array which holds your numbersint i is the count for the loop, it is set to 1 because before the loop, I set numbers[0] to 1

Algorithm of linear search in c?

int linearSearch(int a[], int first, int last, int key) { // function: // Searches a[first]..a[last] for key. // returns: index of the matching element if it finds key, // otherwise -1. // parameters: // a in array of (possibly unsorted) values. // first, last in lower and upper subscript bounds // key in value to search for. // returns: // index of key, or -1 if key is not in the array. for (int i=first; i&lt;=last; i++) { if (key == a[i]) { return i; } } return -1; // failed to find key }

How will you Write a c program to find the kth smallest element in an array in c?

//This is for kth largest element. (So this is for n-k smallest element) //Sudipta Kundu [Wipro Technologies] #include &lt;stdio.h&gt; //Input: array with index range [first, last) //Output: new index of the pivot. An element in the middle is chosen to be a pivot. Then the array's elements are //placed in such way that all elements &lt;= pivot are to the left and all elements &gt;= pivot are to the right. int positionPivot(int* array, int first, int last); //Input: array with index range [first, last) and integer K (first &lt;= K &lt; last) //Output: array whose Kth element (i.e. array[K]) has the "correct" position. More precisely, //array[first ... K - 1] &lt;= array[K] &lt;= array[K + 1 ... last - 1] void positionKthElement(int* array, int first, int last, int k); int main() { int array[] = {7,1,8,3,1,9,4,8}; int i; for (i = 0; i &lt; 8; i++) { positionKthElement(array, 0, sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]),i); printf("%d is at position %d\n", array[i], i); } return 0; } int positionPivot(int* array, int first, int last) { if (first last) return first; int tmp = (first + last) / 2; int pivot = array[tmp]; int movingUp = first + 1; int movingDown = last - 1; array[tmp] = array[first]; array[first] = pivot; while (movingUp &lt;= movingDown) { while (movingUp &lt;= movingDown &amp;&amp; array[movingUp] &lt; pivot) ++movingUp; while (pivot &lt; array[movingDown]) --movingDown; if (movingUp &lt;= movingDown) { tmp = array[movingUp]; array[movingUp] = array[movingDown]; array[movingDown] = tmp; ++movingUp; --movingDown; } } array[first] = array[movingDown]; array[movingDown] = pivot; return movingDown; } void positionKthElement(int* array, int first, int last, int k) { int index; while ((index = positionPivot(array, first, last)) != k) { if (k &lt; index) last = index; else first = index + 1; } }

C program to find largest digit in a number?

#include#includevoid main(){int a,b;clrscr();printf("Enter 2 numbers:");scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);if(a>b)printf("%d is greater than %d",a,b);elseprintf("%d is greater than %d",b,a);getch();}

How do you write a C plus plus function lastLargestIndex that returns the index of the last occurrence of the largest element in the array?

int lastLargestIndex(int a[],int n) //a=array, n= number of elements in array { int max=a[0],maxp=0; //max=largest no., maxp= position of largest no. for(int i=0;i&lt;n;i++) if(a[i]&gt;=max) { max=a[i]; maxp=i; } return maxp; }

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How do you write a program to generate 'n' Fibonacci numbers?

I don't program in just C (I use C++) so you may have to change some of the code:int main(){int n;int last = 1;int slast = 0;int numbers[n];numbers[0] = 1;for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){numbers[i] = last + slast;slast = last;last = numbers[i];}return 0;}int n needs to be set to however many Fibonacci numbers you want to last is the last number in the sequence (so far)int slast is the second last number in the sequence (so far)int numbers[n] is the int array which holds your numbersint i is the count for the loop, it is set to 1 because before the loop, I set numbers[0] to 1

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Algorithm of linear search in c?

int linearSearch(int a[], int first, int last, int key) { // function: // Searches a[first]..a[last] for key. // returns: index of the matching element if it finds key, // otherwise -1. // parameters: // a in array of (possibly unsorted) values. // first, last in lower and upper subscript bounds // key in value to search for. // returns: // index of key, or -1 if key is not in the array. for (int i=first; i&lt;=last; i++) { if (key == a[i]) { return i; } } return -1; // failed to find key }

How will you Write a c program to find the kth smallest element in an array in c?

//This is for kth largest element. (So this is for n-k smallest element) //Sudipta Kundu [Wipro Technologies] #include &lt;stdio.h&gt; //Input: array with index range [first, last) //Output: new index of the pivot. An element in the middle is chosen to be a pivot. Then the array's elements are //placed in such way that all elements &lt;= pivot are to the left and all elements &gt;= pivot are to the right. int positionPivot(int* array, int first, int last); //Input: array with index range [first, last) and integer K (first &lt;= K &lt; last) //Output: array whose Kth element (i.e. array[K]) has the "correct" position. More precisely, //array[first ... K - 1] &lt;= array[K] &lt;= array[K + 1 ... last - 1] void positionKthElement(int* array, int first, int last, int k); int main() { int array[] = {7,1,8,3,1,9,4,8}; int i; for (i = 0; i &lt; 8; i++) { positionKthElement(array, 0, sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]),i); printf("%d is at position %d\n", array[i], i); } return 0; } int positionPivot(int* array, int first, int last) { if (first last) return first; int tmp = (first + last) / 2; int pivot = array[tmp]; int movingUp = first + 1; int movingDown = last - 1; array[tmp] = array[first]; array[first] = pivot; while (movingUp &lt;= movingDown) { while (movingUp &lt;= movingDown &amp;&amp; array[movingUp] &lt; pivot) ++movingUp; while (pivot &lt; array[movingDown]) --movingDown; if (movingUp &lt;= movingDown) { tmp = array[movingUp]; array[movingUp] = array[movingDown]; array[movingDown] = tmp; ++movingUp; --movingDown; } } array[first] = array[movingDown]; array[movingDown] = pivot; return movingDown; } void positionKthElement(int* array, int first, int last, int k) { int index; while ((index = positionPivot(array, first, last)) != k) { if (k &lt; index) last = index; else first = index + 1; } }

Captained Pakistan in last t20 int?

Younis Khan.

DDA line algorithm to be executed in C?

C Programming Coding For DDA Algorithmvoid linedda(int xa,int ya,int xb,int yb) {int dx=xb-xa,dy=yb-ya,steps,k;float xincrement,yincrement,x=xa,y=ya;if(abs(dx)>abs(dy)) steps=abs(dx);else steps=abs(dy);xincrement=dx/(float)steps;yincrement=dy/(float)steps;putpixel(round(x),round(y),2)for(k=0;k

Write a c plus plus programs to find the sum of first n natural number and to display the number of terms edit?

Your question is not clear but i can write a program to find the sum of n natural numbers. #include&lt;iostream.h&gt; #include&lt;conio.h&gt; int main() { long int res=0; int last; cout&lt;&lt;"enter the last number."; cin&gt;&gt;last; for(int i=0;i&lt;=last;i++) res=res+i; cout&lt;&lt;"Result is "&lt;&lt;res&lt;&lt;endl; return 0; }

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The last place he played was in Yankee stadium

C program to find largest digit in a number?

#include#includevoid main(){int a,b;clrscr();printf("Enter 2 numbers:");scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);if(a>b)printf("%d is greater than %d",a,b);elseprintf("%d is greater than %d",b,a);getch();}

30 examples of variables?

int n1; int n2; int n3; int n4; int n5; int n6; int n7; int n8; int n9; int n10; int n11; int n12; int n13; int n14; int n15; int n16; int n17; int n18; int n19; int n20; int n21; int n22; int n23; int n24; int n25; int n26; int n27; int n28; int n29; int n30;

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How do you write a C plus plus function lastLargestIndex that returns the index of the last occurrence of the largest element in the array?

int lastLargestIndex(int a[],int n) //a=array, n= number of elements in array { int max=a[0],maxp=0; //max=largest no., maxp= position of largest no. for(int i=0;i&lt;n;i++) if(a[i]&gt;=max) { max=a[i]; maxp=i; } return maxp; }