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"I ran."

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1mo ago

The last lines of "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini are: "I ran with the wind blowing in my face, and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher on my lips. I ran."

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Q: What are the last lines of the book The Kite Runner?
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What is amir's last name in The Kite Runner?

Amir's last name in "The Kite Runner" is Jan.

What does it mean when you call someone a kite runner?

Calling someone a "kite runner" typically refers to a person who chases after fleeting opportunities or trends without a clear purpose or goal in mind. It can suggest that the person is easily swayed or influenced by external factors.

This author wrote The Kite Runner What is the missing first letter in his last name Khaled osseini?

h, he also wrote "A Thousand Splendid Suns" after the Kite Runner which is also a best seller.

Who rules the country in chapter 2 in The Kite Runner?

In chapter 2 of The Kite Runner, the country is ruled by the monarchy of King Zahir Shah. He was the last King of Afghanistan before the monarchy was overthrown in a coup in 1973.

What is nostrils last name in the book runner by Robert newton?

In the book "Runner" by Robert Newton, Nostril's last name is not explicitly mentioned.

What happens to hassan after he has caught the last fallen kite in The Kite Runner?

After Hassan retrieves the last fallen kite, he is confronted and sexually assaulted by Assef and his friends. This traumatic event has lasting repercussions on Hassan's life and his relationship with Amir.

What is a probe runner last book in the universe?

a person who who trades probes illegally across latches.

What are the rules of kite fighting?

In kite fighting, the goal is to control your kite and use it to cut the strings of your opponent's kite. The strings are typically coated with glass or abrasive materials to make them sharp. The last kite flying without its string cut is declared the winner. It is important to play in an open area away from obstacles and people to prevent accidents.

What is the last thing you do to make a kite?

For a tail, tape the strip of cloth or plastic to the bottom of the kite.

Why is the last runner called anchor runner?

Because u shaddup

Will there be an amulet book 5?

yes because the last lines of the amulet book the last council (book 4) are "...but dont ask me if im ready. because no matter what happens ill have to be" and it says end of book 4

What is the last runner of a relay race called?

anchor runner